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vice-item .upo : 60ar-g a./bl(wal,u-shad0, 0, 0, 0) 0%,oo0 cetion): ; vice-item .upms : 60ar-g a./bl(wal,u-shad0, 0, 0, 0) 0%,oo0 cetion): ; vice-item .u: 60ar-g a./bl(wa>tion: , -shad0, 0, 0, 0) 0%,oo0 cetion): ; filedu: wp-gid:DXIonteTed_post..Microsoft.g a./bl(startC_butstr='o0 cccc', endC_butstr='o0 cccc', G a./blTins/0): ; o-70ity:0.3; t borderign: Cent -ali0n er_ha0n z-meta nta wn: all 0.2 o-70ity .5se; } . 10g ss-list h3 c_butt;--wpeices_wrappe li a{ font-1 ices_wrappe wrap{3c;bord ce-ice-i3 #0 ceices_wrappe l.authoi0eices_wrappe } . 10g ss-list .brtictel/stan l.author-alinlowices_wrappe wrap{3c;bord ce-ice-i3 #0 ceices_wrappe } . 10g ss-list .brtictel/stanspan { lio-wpeices_wrappe } . 10g ss-list . 10g big-dinry h3 teh2.fea2ighices_wrappe miew pos470ateices_wrappe } . 10g ss-list . 10g sttoleradinries h3 teh2.fea1ighices_wrappe text-align: ceices_wrappe } . 10g ss-list . t--p://bl l l border-ign: Cen ices_wrappe v on: reieices_wrappe lr_halfeices_wrappe z-meta n 2e } . 10g ss-list . 10g big-dinry . t--p://bl l lem .sere-iteeices_wrappe } . 10g ss-list . 10g sttoleradinries . t--p://bl l lem .serep5ppeices_wrappe } . 10g ss-list . 10g big-dinry .contenvid-purple fon460at: } . 10g ss-list . 10g sttoleradinries .contenvid-purple fon2g: c3 /* - 1{ */ } . 10g ss-list . 10g big-dinry brticte { ice-item n ices_wrappe vilayou 0eices_wrappe } . 10g ss-list . 10g sttoleradinries brticte { milayors_lis p0oreices_wrappe } . 10g ss-list . 10g sttoleradinries brticte:nthochild(-n+2)n vilayopine-hei p0oreices_wrappe } /* new a.cg ss-list */ . luish-grax. ll.autho h3. type vid-purple-backgroo0C5687 ices_wrappe vice-item .up0C5687 ices_wrappe } #s-wybar-s-wybar .ia='al > h3 vid-purple-backgroo0C5687 ices_wrappe vice-item .up0C5687 ices_wrappe } #s-wybar-s-wybar .ia='al l v .ser:elatiices_wrappe v 373c;bord ce-ice-i3 #bbb } #cx;eg lids-4 ul li :row;flern .ce n .text, :ro://me c_butt#666ices_wrappe } #cx;eg lids-4 ul li a { lio666ices_wrappe } #cx;eg lids-4 ul li a:befort { ring-buttonseices_wrappe } #cx;eg lids-4 ul li hildrenbl ring-buttonseices_wrappe } . ntaginx;box tage-nu--grs l n .text, laye justifyl-p://bl: dding:e l://ms, dding:e l-p://bl: dding:e } . ntaginx;box tage-nu--grs spanpnu-, . ntaginx;box tage-nu--grs { t; m30at: ht-align30at: : 600; ma30at: teh2.fea12ort text-align6 ce lio666 ices_wrappe wn: all 0.20.2se3se; c { border: } . ntaginx;box tage-nu--grs spanpnu- l n .text, laye justifyl-p://bl: dding:e l://ms, dding:e } . ntaginx;box tage-nu--grs nline-bl sition: all 0ost.u scale(1): ; px; cost.u scale(1): ; pxs cost.u scale(1): ; po cost.u scale(1): ; cost.u scale(1): ; vice-item __link{cee } @/styl (view pos80ite) .heauvi.heauvi_ horstho i n .text, hiteeices_wrappe ; o-70ity: n ices_wrappe visibility: hiddenbices_wrappe l border-staticeices_wrappe } } @/styl screenband (vinw pog1921te) .et_d--l_r/libra #et_r/libra_outra_-p://bl .dt_pb_ss-list_par0.2ax .et_pb_ ar0.2ax_css, .et_d--l_r/libra #et_r/libra_outra_-p://bl .dt_pb_sm-wys .dt_par0.2ax_bg.et_pb_ ar0.2ax_css i vice-item - border-play>dding:e } } .ia='al_recdin-poius ul li span, .ia='al_recdin_dinries ul li span c_butt;-666t text-align7 ce }e foong:.foong:}.foong:lmain #recdin-poius-3 ul> :row;flern .ceices_wrappe li{ ps_lis2iteeices_wrapp } foong:.foong:}.foong:lmain #recdin-poius-3 ul> { n .text, :ro://me } .ia='al_recdin_ ttps://xul li a:befort, .ia='al_quirs: eul li a:befort, .ia='al_cx;eg lidseul li a:befort, .ia='al_/stanul li a:befort, .ia='al_nav_menu ul li a:befort { er_hal-25op: c_://bl: "|"; } ex >:lat(.home) .foong:}.foong:lmain vid-purple-backgro-wpices_wrappe } ex >:lat(.home) .foong:}.foong:lbar vid-purple-backgro-wpices_wrappe } .foong:}.foong:lmain vid-purple.upper_haices_wrappe v } -alice-item-wraccc: } .foong:}.foong:lmain p, .foong:}.foong:lmain li, .foong:}.foong:lmain a { lio666eices_wrappe } .foong:}.foong:lbar li{ u8t- 0e v } -alilatiices_wrappe vid-purple-backgroF6F6F6ices_wrappe } .foong:}.foong:lbar a { lio333- text-alig7 ce } foong:.foong:}.foong:lmain #cx;eg lids-3 ul> hildrenbl ring-buttonseices_wrappe } foong:.foong:}.foong:lmain .ia='al- type h2.fea22at: backgroo0C5686e v } er_halhite; ice-item 0t text-align6 ce wrap{ cost.u lati } foong:.foong:}.row l n .text, laye justifyl-p://bl: --70e-between: } foong:.foong:}.row:befort, foong:.foong:}.row:afte-bl ring-buttonseices_wrappe } .heauvi.heauvidw;flex3 . llogo} l view heig4-lef l border-radius: 2 walig2at: } heauvi.heauvi.heauvi_ horstho.desddided . llogo} , .heauvi.heauvidw;flex3 . llogo} l filedu: baddinness(0) inne-t(1): ; pition: filedu: baddinness(0) inne-t(1): } ex >nhome . lmainwex > .serv#main . 10g ss-list- type pn l.authorine-heip0oreices_wrappe } a, p, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, sttol, stroho, .foong:lbar *, foong:.foong:}* ://fon:'s.go glea'ices_wrappe } .owl-caurpselbl ring-but 100%eices_wrappe } .et_d--l_r/libra #et_r/libra_outra_-p://bl .dt_pb_sm-wyr .dt_pb_sm-wy_0.dt_pb_sm-wy .dt_pb_sm-wy_desdriptist .dt_pb_sm-wy_ type sttolbl ring-but 100%e vilayorine-heip0ort h2.fe22at: } .et_d--l_r/libra #et_r/libra_outra_-p://bl .dt_pb_sm-wyr .dt_pb_sm-wy_0.dt_pb_sm-wy .dt_pb_sm-wy_desdriptist .dt_pb_sm-wy_ type h2.fea3nort } .et_d--l_r/libra #et_r/libra_outra_-p://bl .dt_pb_sm-wys .dt_pb_sm-wy_0.dt_pb_sm-wy .dt_pb_sm-wy_desdriptist li{ u0; miew pos 400at: vilayopadding ce } #sm-wycsmaintage, #sm-wycsmaintage .dt_pb_sm-wys, #sm-wycsmaintage .dt_pb_sm-wy fon700ort } .et_d--l_r/libra #et_r/libra_outra_-p://bl .dt_pb_ss-list_par0.2ax .et_pb_ ar0.2ax_css, .et_d--l_r/libra #et_r/libra_outra_-p://bl .dt_pb_sm-wys .dt_par0.2ax_bg.et_pb_ ar0.2ax_css i vid-purple-attachm/bl: unsete vid-purple-h2.feane-b3 } heauvi. lmega-menut horsn.ser}. llogo .servi ring-but lay: lay:ices-list:row: lay:.sertto.ser: justifyl-p://bl:--70e-between: l://ms,dding:e l-p://bl:dding:e } a. llogo:befort, a. llogo:afte-bl ring-buttonsices_wrappe } heauvi. lmega-menut horsn.ser}. llogo .ser::befort, heauvi. lmega-menut horsn.ser}. llogo .ser::afte-bl ring-buttonseices_wrappe } . llogo}{ vilayoun ices_wrappe vne-hei5at: } heauvi.heauvi.heauvi_ horstho.desddided . llogo}{ vne-hei-8at: } heauvi.heauvi.heauvi_ horstho.desddided . llogo} { miew pos 170ate } ul#menutbaza-2x> :la:rochild a, ul#menutbaza-1x> :la:rochild abl v .seraadding-eices_wrappe } heauvi.heauvidw;flex3 v .seration: rece-item-wraddde } foong:.foong:}.foong:lmain n l.authorine-hei nlowices_wrappe } .foong:}.foong:lbar . lcopyaddins h2.fe13ghices_wrappe .se#777ices_wrappe } .foong:}.foong:lbar . lcopyaddins a { lio555ices_wrappe } @/styl (miew pos 101ite) .heauvi.heauvidw;flex3 .top-menutnav ul.menutsctnav> .menut://m>a ; ice-item n p0ort } .top-menutnav ul.menutsctnav .menut://m>a .fa n .text, hiteeices_wrappe } } @/styl (view pos98ite) . 10g ss-list { lay:ices-list:c_bumnices_wrappe justifyl-p://bl:dding:ices_wrappe l://ms,dding:ices_wrappe l-p://bl:dding:ices_wrappe } . 10g ss-list . 10g big-dinry { miew pos 1ion ices_wrappe t; mtioneices_wrappe vilayopine-hei p0orices_wrappe } . 10g ss-list . 10g sttoleradinries { miew pos 1ion ices_wrappe t; mtioneices_wrappe n .text, lay ices_wrappe lay:ices-list:c_bumnices_wrappe justifyl-p://bl:dding:ices_wrappe l://ms,dding:ices_wrappe l-p://bl:dding:ices_wrappe } . 10g ss-list . 10g sttoleradinries brticte { miew pos 1ionices_wrappe t; mtionices_wrappe vilayoip0oreoices_wrappe } . 10g ss-list . 10g sttoleradinries .contenvid-purple fonne-bices_wrappe } . 10g ss-list . 10g big-dinry h3 h2.feag2t:ices_wrappe } . 10g ss-list . 10g sttoleradinries . t--p://bl l lem .sere-iteeices_wrappe } . 10g ss-list . 10g sttoleradinries .xx;eg ly-nent l waligvice- er_hal30at: teh2.fea14ppeices_wrappe } . lheauvidmobipe .mainwrow a. llogo} { ; pition: filedu:baddinness(0) inne-t(1): iledu:baddinness(0) inne-t(1): l border-radius: 2 walig7ort } . lheauvidmobipe .mainwrow { vice-item -_link{c0C5687}ices_wrappe } . lheauvidmobipe .mainwrow pfa-='sl l v .ser:elatiices_wrappe c_butt;--wpices_wrappe } . lheauvidmobipe .mainwrow pfa-='sl:befort { h2.fe2ighices_wrappe l border-radius: 2 walig8ort } foong:.foong:}.row l lay:ices-list:c_bumnices_wrappe justifyl-p://bl:dding:ices_wrappe l-p://bl:dding:ices_wrappe l://ms, lay-startices_wrappe } .foong:}.foong:lbar . lcopyaddins ; margin-topices_wrappe c_butt;-777ices_wrappe ; : 600; marg5ices_wrappe lce-item n 2iteep0orices_wrappe } . 10g ss-list . 10g sttoleradinries h3 h2.feaglowices_wrappe ; text-align4 c ices_wrappe : 600; marg3ices_wrappe } . lheauvidmobipe-s-wy . lclose-s-wy l v .ser:latiices_wrappe c_butt--wpices_wrappe } . lheauvidmobipe-s-wy . lclose-s-wy:befort { h2.fe 23at: l border-radius: 2 waligp0ort } . lheauvidmobipe-s-wy { vice-item -_link{c333- } .top-menutnav ul.menutsctnav > .menut://m l v .ser:elatiices_wrappe } . ls-wybar-'-live . ls-wybar-.ser, . ls-wybar-hiddenb. ls-wybar-.ser { milayoun ne-bices_wrappe miew pos1ionices_wrappe t; 1ionices_wrappe } . ab_poius:thumb_arch_2_singpe h3 h2.feag2t:ices_wrappe } . lthumb-line-bl vilayopine-heip5orices_wrappe } #s-wybar-s-wybar l lem .ser0aglowices_wrappe } heauvi. ll.autho l lem .sere4{ ght:ices_wrappe } . luish-grax. ll.autho h3. type, . luish-grax. ll.autho h2. type, . luish-grax. ll.autho .producns h2, . luish-grax. ll.autho .cross sslls h2, . luish-grax. ll.autho .cart_total/x> h2, . luish-grax. ll.autho .woo ttpsr0e-billthorfields h3, . luish-grax. ll.autho .woo ttpsr0e-shippthorfields h3 label, . luish-grax. ll.autho #bbpress-forums fieldset.bbp-form ergdid, . luish-grax. ll.autho # .ser_review_heautho l vilayoper_hal-p5lef vilayopadding -p5lef } v >:lat(.home) #main lem .serep5ppices_wrappe } ex >ntage #main lem .serep5pp ght:ices_wrappe } . lbrtictel-p://bl h2 h2.fea22at: } . lbrtictel-p://bl h3 h2.feaglow: } . lbrtictel-p://bl h4 ; margin-8ow: } . lbrtictel-p://bl h5, . lbrtictel-p://bl h6 ; margin-ight } .al_/onquir .al_social_mobipe_bue-hn:befort { ; ma38ce- e 600; maelow: } . lbrtictel-p://bl pbl vilayopine-heigp0ort } . lbrtictel-p://bl h2, . lbrtictel-p://bl h3, . lbrtictel-p://bl h4, . lbrtictel-p://bl h5, . lbrtictel-p://bl h6 ; vilayou 2iteeiteep0orices_wrappe } h1.dinry- type ; font-weight text-align4 ce } ex >ntage #innvid-p://bl. ntage-full. :ps:/ai ad lem .se-waligp5lef vilayopine-heigelow: } } @/styl (view pos60ite) ex >nhome h1 ; font-we2at: } }e: 1.5em;l!-- end Simple Cusrvi CSS and JS --yp e='tex> #wpstats{ring-buttons}e: 1.5em; e='textgins/"onarch/c"l' /"ettsocial-cusrvi-h/c"-i e: 1.5em;l 1.5em; . ab-_lilbase h2n .text, a.c5btn .iuthors_lists_ n .iu ightx fon.serev .seratiem { vinw fonttem {} [data */ ist-nent] h2o-70ity: nm { visibility: hiddenm {} .showme h2o-70ity: 1m { visibility: visiblt; }; . ab-dark-y.br c_butt;uish-; }; . ab- l-ding: wrap{ pdding:30p}; . ab- l-ding: intent,; . ab- l-ding: img,; . ab- l-ding: .wp-v-wyo vilayou ne-b30p}; ; . ab-ss-list- ttpon l border-radius: 2 h2n .text, a.c5btn }; . ab-have-v-wyovice-item h2one-thow: hiddenm {} . ab-have-v-wyovice-item x> . ab-row, . ab-have-v-wyovice-item x> .dinry--p://bl l border-radius: 2 h2z-meta n 1m {} . ab--ding:--p://bl n .text, a.c5btn .vilayou ne-b30p l border-radius: 2 h} ul.amiew pos1ion30p font-sine-bm {} . ab--lillg-1 t; m8.3333333333333%; on{ . ab--lillg-2 t; m16.666666666667%; on{ . ab--lillg-3 t; m25%; on{ . ab--lillg-4 t; m33.333333333333%; on{ . ab--lillg-5 t; m41.666666666667%; on{ . ab--lillg-6 t; m50%; on{ . ab--lillg-7 t; m58.333333333333%; on{ . ab--lillg-8 t; m66.666666666667%; on{ . ab--lillg-9 t; m75%; on{ . ab--lillg-10 t; m83.333333333333%; on{ . ab--lillg-11 t; m91.666666666667%; on{ . ab--lillg-12 t; m100%; on{ u ig@/styl (view pos10g4at){; ; . ab-tabltt-FALSE, . ab-tabltt-off n .text, tonseices_wrappe {} . ab--lilmd-1 t; m8.3333333333333%; on{ . ab--lilmd-2 t; m16.666666666667%; on{ . ab--lilmd-3 t; m25%; on{ . ab--lilmd-4 t; m33.333333333333%; on{ . ab--lilmd-5 t; m41.666666666667%; on{ . ab--lilmd-6 t; m50%; on{ . ab--lilmd-7 t; m58.333333333333%; on{ . ab--lilmd-8 t; m66.666666666667%; on{ . ab--lilmd-9 t; m75%; on{ . ab--lilmd-10 t; m83.333333333333%; on{ . ab--lilmd-11 t; m91.666666666667%; on{ . ab--lilmd-12 t; m100%; on{ uon{ n{ n{@/styl (view pos48ite){; . ab-tabltt-FALSE, . ab-mobipe-FALSE, . ab-tabltt-off, . ab-mobipe-off n .text, tonseices_wrappe {} . ab-mobipe-TRUE, . ab-mobipe-on n .text, a.c5beices_wrappe {} n{ . ab--lilsm-1 t; 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