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}=f {= lle__9C56B8 e-type:0dis
ype:p-adeg y-195 #bs2 bar-bs2 bar > h3tl
ff;back{{color:#ff_19802D e-type:0dis
}=f {= lle__19802D e-type:0dis
ype:p-adeg y-202 #bs2 bar-bs2 bar > h3tl
ff;back{{color:#ff_e48d9d e-type:0dis
}=f {= lle__e48d9d e-type:0dis
}z 1g6;25em!-- end Simple C u CSS and JS --t/c!-- start Simple C u CSS and JS --t/css' met/b-l"gacy.min"cs.hea{ackrap:wr3tl
li {= ttons{e5ione-type:0dis
}=e--m= ttons{{e5ione-type:0dis
li {= ttons{e5ione-type:0dis
}=e--m= ttons{{e5ione-type:0dis
ype:phome h1tl
s {= e-i3con-
0fom= ;colo-wrape-type:0dis
}=fom= al-stid3e-type:0dis
}=e--m= e-typediete-type:0dis
m= nmain-gin:5utt: , m= }=pony.etabs2tn
m= }=pony.ethumb_-css_2_sing_t }=-read-m-ri {
om= al-stid
0fom= r10--isp: h
}=fin:5o lor:#32ff;te
}=.h{= layout-
}=f {= llolor:#ff0C5687;
eftm= e-typearth
#c5-bread-crumb h1.hea{= 1tl
s {= e-i3con-
fom= e-ico4dth
0fom= ;co floa
#c5-bread-crumb h1.hea{= 1t.fani
matabs ttons{{2drth
}=2px)z e-i3conne-type:0dis
m= }=pony.ethumb_-css_2_sing_t h3tl
2px)z e-i30on-
{e .fa.38rc= ras
}=fom= al-stid1-
fom= e-ico4dth
m= }=ponyethumb h3tatn
m= }=pony.ethumb_-css_2_sing_t n
}=fider-radiu lor:lor:3--i#bbbt
#c5-bread-crumb l
ff;back{{color:#ff ;cpa2 lis
}=fider-radiu ff;te
}=0fom= r45ns{g: 3se5art
m= }=pony.ethumb_-css_2_sing_t n
}=li {= swdrth
m= n rtic/wn{{edycz m= neeatured-ms' t-war _s__ n
}=gin:5o telk
m= n rtic/wn{{edycz h1.-wrry-.c5-wel
{fom= al-sti1k
m= n rtic/wn{{edycz useta n
}=om= e-icon-s
m= n rtic/wn{{edycz h2tl
s {= e-id4rth
}=fom= al-st1.2k
m= n rtic/wn{{edycz h3tl
2px)z e-i22rth
}=fom= al-st1.2k
m= n rtic/wn{{edycz h4tl
s {= e-idieth
}=fom= al-st1.2k
m= n rtic/wn{{edycz h5,
m= n rtic/wn{{edycz h6 n
}=om= e-ic8eth
}=fom= al-st1.2k
m= n rtic/wn{{edycz wr
}=0fom= ;coljustifyh
}=2px)z e-icon-s
m= nent/book-=logmedym>t.fb-=logmedym>tabs2t>ab-audi,
m= nent/book-=logmedym>t.fb-=logmedym>tabs2tr
gin:5o 66drtne-type:0dis
s {=u ffdth" ffdth" ffdth" con-/1 F {=Ameworke-type:0dis
#i .sibaza-1m>tm_:firom=childtatn
}=fin:5o ttons{e-type:0dis
matabs e-typee0onne-type:0dis
#innack{{edycz n
}=li {= ttons{e5ione-type:0dis
}=e--m= ttons{{e5ione-type:0dis
#innack{{edycz #main .sisplay .idtg.c5-wel
0fom= ra e-type:0dis
}=f {= llolor:#ff_E9E9E9ne-type:0dis
#innack{{edycz #main ..idtgstro a-glowna .et_pb_salva-tyre_{{edycz n
}=.h{= l2-id e-type:0dis
}=justifyn{{edycz: 38ret-betweenh
}=om= "ListIte:ll
}=max-gin:5o calc(m }= -r10--)s
#innack{{edycz #main ..idtgstro a-glowna .et_pb_salva-tyre_{{edycz .s' t-mstani
matabs e-type0ne-type:0dis
#innack{{edycz #main ..idtgstro a-glowna .et_pb_salva-tyre_{{edycz .s' t-mstananl
li {= e0ne-type:0dis
#innack{{edycz #main ..idtgstro a-glowna .et_pb_salva-tyre_{{edycz .-wrry-.c5-wea n
}=fom= al-stid2e-type:0dis
#innack{{edycz #main ..idtgstro a-glowna .et_pb_salva-tyre_{{edycz .-wrry-eeatured-.pl/#uurlni
matabs e-typee5one-type:0dis
#innack{{edycz #main ..idtgstro a-glowna .et_pb_salva-tyre_{{edycz .mmre-ss' m{
.h{= ayout-flobal-
fl{= ionss
#innack{{edycz #main ..idtgstro a-glowna .et_pb_salva-tyre_{{edycz n .;adeg y-tagtl
s {= e-14ione-type:0dis
}=e--m= 5me- e-type:0dis
}=fl{= lor:#320:3--i3e-gi e-type:0dis
}=.h{= ayout-flobalne-type:0dis
#innack{{edycz #main ..idtgstro a-glowna .et_pb_salva-tyre_{{edycz .n:humn .et_pb_.pl/#om_tabs2_yni
matabs2 0ne-type:0dis
}=om= "ListIte:lne-type:0dis
#innack{{edycz #main ..idtgstro a-glowna .et_pb_salva-tyre_{{edycz .n:humn .et_pb_.pl/#om_tabs2_yn .;adeg y-tagtl
om= "ListIte:la
}= {= s
#innack{{edycz #main ..idtgstro a-glowna .et_pb_salva-tyre_{{edycz .n:humn i
matabs2 0n5ione-type:0dis
}=5--m= telne-type:0dis
}=max-gin:5o calc(m }= / 3 -r10--)ne-type:0dis
#innack{{edycz #main .sisplay .idtg.c5-we.et_pb_row n
}=li {= swdrt te-type:0dis
#innack{{edycz #main .sisplay .idtg.c5-we.et_pb_row .r-radied-hea{= h2tl
#innack{{edycz #main .sisplay .idtg.c5-we.et_pb_row h2tl
0fom= ra e-type:0dis
}=s {= e-idme- e-type:0dis
}=fom= al-stid3h
0fom= ;colotn ouse ce:uh
}=it= e-icowdth
#innack{{edycz #main ..idtgstro a-glowna .ewrry r
#innack{{edycz #main ..idtgstro a-glowna .et_pb_s' t n
}=matabs e-type0ne-type:0dis
li {= e0e-type:0dis
ff;back{{color:#ff_0C5687 e-type:0dis
}=fl{= lor:#32ff;tne-type:0dis
mhea{ac l
ff;back{{color:#ff_0C5687 e-type:0dis
mhea{acmhea{ac_emg{== r
0s easemtnoo8reity .5e:cssga
mhea{acmhea{ac_emg{== .deso-wded r
}=0s easemtnoo8reity .5e:cssga
mhea{acmhea{ackrap:wr3tmtop-i .sinav i .siscinav >tm_ i .siedym >tatn
mtop-i .sinav i .siscinav >tm_ i .siedym a.c5b,tmtop-i .sinav i .siscinav >tm_ i .siedym:focustn
}=fin:5o lor:#3 lor:#3: 1p:ccc e-type:0dis
}=f {= llolor:#f: 20f255,255,255,0.1)e-type:0dis
mtop-i .sinav i .siscinav >tm_ i .siedym a {
o--g{=_set e-type:0dis
/* newlayog sisplay */
..idtgsisplay {
.h{= 2-id e-type:0dis
}= ;cnedyms l2-id-starts
m.idtgsisplay ..idtgbig--wrry {
}=gin:5o tel e-type:0dis
m.idtgsisplay ..idtgsth"l5o -wrries {
}=gin:5o tel e-type:0dis
.h{= 2-id e-type:0dis
}=2-id tt: ett: h
m.idtgsisplay ..idtgsth"l5o -wrries rtic/w {
}=max-gin:5ocalc(5}= -r20--)s
}=om= "ListIte:ll
}=gin:5o telk
m.idtgsisplay ..pl/#uff;back{{ctl
f {= llo e-ic.c5bte-type:0dis
}=f {= lloom= "Lo-wrap_e-type:0dis
}=f {= llorepea=u fforepea=e-type:0dis
m.idtgsisplay .;adeg y-nist n
}=.h{= llobal-
fm= "ListIte:la
}=fl{= lor:#323;b e-type:0dis
}=f {= llolor:#ff_0dtne-type:0dis
}=e--m= 5 me- e-type:0dis
}=0fom= ;colo-wraps
m.idtgsisplay ..idtgbig--wrry .;adeg y-nist n
}= {= 3drth
}=2px)z e-i14ione-type:0dis
m.idtgsisplay ..idtgsth"l5o -wrries .;adeg y-nist n
}= {= e5art
}=fom= m= e-ic2rtne-type:0dis
m.idtgsisplay rtic/w {
}=fider-radiu lor:lor:5ione555e-type:0dis
m.idtgsisplay rtic/w >ta:p;t(.;adeg y-nist)tl
om= "istIte:lne-type:0dis
}=.h{= lobalne-type:0dis
}=e--m= 5 0ne-type:0dis
m.idtgsisplay rtic/w >ta:p;t(.;adeg y-nist) a.c5b:eaft5btn
m.idtgsisplay rtic/w >ta:p;t(.;adeg y-nist) eaft5btn
}=.h{= loball
}=gin:5o telk
60 al-s telk
60f {= lle_: 20f0, 0, 0, 0)k
60f {= lle_size{fom=ar-g lorycz(0e-,_: 20f0, 0, 0, 0) 0%,f_0dtn tel)k
60f {= lle_ss easemg lorycz(a.c5o0e-,_a.c5o lor:#,=n:ho--stop(0%,f: 20f0, 0, 0, 0)),=n:ho--stop( tel,f_0dtttt))k
60f {= lle_ss easemfom=ar-g lorycz(0e-,_: 20f0, 0, 0, 0) 0%,f_0dtn tel)k
60f {= lle_somfom=ar-g lorycz(0e-,_: 20f0, 0, 0, 0) 0%,f_0dtn tel)k
60f {= lle_smsmfom=ar-g lorycz(0e-,_: 20f0, 0, 0, 0) 0%,f_0dtn tel)k
60f {= lle_fom=ar-g lorycz(0eo lor:#,=: 20f0, 0, 0, 0) 0%,f_0dtn tel)k
60fil='c: nt/gid:DXIpl/#T ;colot.Microsoft.g lorycz(startC:ho-str='_0dtttt', endC:ho-str='_0dtttt', G loryczT/b-l0)k
fm= "istIte:la
}= {= 0s
}=t:2: 12mz-
}=0s easemtno o8reity .5e:cssga
m.idtgsisplay h3tl
}={fom= al-sti1 e-type:0dis
}=0fom=r-radiu lor:lor:3--i#0dtne-type:0dis
}=li {= e0ne-type:0dis
m.idtgsisplay . rtic/wnmstani
li {= -e-t1alee-type:0dis
}=0fom=r-radiu lor:lor:3--i#0dtne-type:0dis
m.idtgsisplay . rtic/wnmstanabs2 {
m.idtgsisplay ..idtgbig--wrry h3tl
2px)z e-i2on-e-type:0dis
m.idtgsisplay ..idtgsth"l5o -wrries h3tl
2px)z e-i1on-e-type:0dis
}=it= e-icowdtne-type:0dis
m.idtgsisplay .s' t-{{edycz n
}=lm= "ListIte:l e-type:0dis
}={{= ne-type:0dis
}=play:no) 2s
m.idtgsisplay ..idtgbig--wrry .s' t-{{edycz n
}=ll{= {g: 3se-type:0dis
m.idtgsisplay ..idtgsth"l5o -wrries .s' t-{{edycz n
}=ll{= {e5ione-type:0dis
..idtgsisplay ..idtgbig--wrry ..pl/#uff;back{{ctl
m.idtgsisplay ..idtgsth"l5o -wrries ..pl/#uff;back{{ctl
al-s2dieto /* -r10-- */
..idtgsisplay ..idtgbig--wrry rtic/w {
}=0fom= ra e-type:0dis
}=matabs2 0ne-type:0dis
m.idtgsisplay ..idtgsth"l5o -wrries rtic/w {
}=matabs ttons{e0onne-type:0dis
m.idtgsisplay ..idtgsth"l5o -wrries rtic/w:nth=child(-n+2)ni
matabs e-type{e0onne-type:0dis
/* newlayog sisplay */
m= no){ervicxm= n li{= h3..c5-wel
ff;back{{color:#ff_0C5687 e-type:0dis
}=f {= lle__0C5687 e-type:0dis
#bs2 bar-bs2 bar > h3tl
ff;back{{color:#ff_0C5687 e-type:0dis
}=f {= lle__0C5687 e-type:0dis
#bs2 bar-bs2 bar n
}=fider-radiu lor:lor:3--i#bbbt
#cadeg i;s-4 useta n
}=omom= :wr.h{cs
}=.h{= omom=edyms
#cadeg i;s-4 useta a {
#cadeg i;s-4 useta ae al-ri {
#cadeg i;s-4 useta m= =hildre2tn
m= d-aginadow: m= -agw-nunt--s n
}=.h{= l2-ids
}=justifyn{{edycz: o-wraps
}= ;cnedyms lo-wraps
}= ;cn{{edycz: o-wraps
m= d-aginadow: m= -agw-nunt--s m_te:tf4nun,
m= d-aginadow: m= -agw-nunt--s m_t{
}=5--m= 3drth
}=h e-icowdrth
}=fom= al-st3drth
}=2px)z e-i12on-
fom= e-ico6dth
o--g{=_666 e-type:0dis
}=0s easemtnousstI3e:cssga
}=no= cursckg
m= d-aginadow: m= -agw-nunt--s m_te:tf4nun n
}=.h{= l2-ids
}=justifyn{{edycz: o-wraps
}= ;cnedyms lo-wraps
m= d-aginadow: m= -agw-nunt--s m_ a.c5btn
}=(s easem-webkolotn scale(1)k
60size{foe-molotn scale(1)k
60sis{foe-molotn scale(1)k
60so{foe-molotn scale(1)k
60foe-molotn scale(1)k
60f {= llolor:#ffeega
@ss' t (max-gin:5o80: 3)tl
.hea{acmhea{ac_emg{== r
}=}=.h{= lff;tne-type:0dis
}=60o8reity:ra e-type:0dis
}= visibility:rhidde2te-type:0dis
}= lm= "Lstaticne-type:0dis
@ss' t scree2tand (min-gin:5m1921 3)tl
.et=dus-_s://use #et=s://useabs_sea{{edycz .-t_pb_sisplay_parussax .et_pb_sarussax_css, .et=dus-_s://use #et=s://useabs_sea{{edycz .-t_pb_smetas .-t_parussax_bg.et_pb_sarussax_css r
}=}=f {= lloom= "La.c5oo-wraps
. _rec-wr-pony. useta curri . _rec-wr_-wrries useta currtl
fom= e-ico7dth
foorap.foorap_.foorapnmain #rec-wr-pony.-3n_s_n
}=omom= :wr.h{cne-type:0dis
}=e--m= ttons2ettne-type:0di
foorap.foorap_.foorapnmain #rec-wr-pony.-3n_s_m_t{
}=.h{= lomom=edyms
. _rec-wr_=logmedymuseta ae al-rii . _truee:lnuseta ae al-rii . _cadeg i;snuseta ae al-rii . _mstanuseta ae al-rii . _nav_i .s useta ae al-ri {
{= -25n-s
}=n:edycz: "|";
ype::p;t(.home) .foorap_.foorapnmain l
ype::p;t(.home) .foorap_.foorapnbar l
.foorap_.foorapnmain l
}=fl{= ttonlor:#3: 1p:ccc
.foorap_.foorapnmain p,
.foorap_.foorapnmain li,
.foorap_.foorapnmain a {
mfoorap_.foorapnbar l
e--m= 5me- 0s
}=fl{= ttonp;gae-type:0dis
.foorap_.foorapnbar a {
fom= e-ic7dth
foorap.foorap_.foorapnmain #cadeg i;s-3n_s_ss m= =hildre2tn
foorap.foorap_.foorapnmain . -.c5-wel
s {= e-i22rth
}=fl{= {= ff;te
}=0fom= r0-
fom= e-ico6dth
0fom=foe-molotn p;gaa
foorap.foorap_.row n
}=.h{= l2-ids
}=justifyn{{edycz: 38ret-betweenh
foorap.foorap_.rowe al-ri,
mhea{acmhea{ackrap:wr3tm= nlogo_s__ n
}=max- al-st4gart
}=lm= "ListIte:ll
hea{acmhea{ac.hea{ac_emg{== .deso-wded .= nlogo_s__,
mhea{acmhea{ackrap:wr3tm= nlogo_s__ n
}=fil='c: bttonsness(0) inc5bt(1)k
60ss easemfil='c: bttonsness(0) inc5bt(1)k
ype:phome m= nmain-ype:utt: w#main ..idtgsisplay-.c5-wepni
li {= e-typee0onne-type:0dis
a, p,nh1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, sth"l, stro ,
.foorapnbar *, foorap.foorap_*el
s {= .go' t:'?fam ly=O'e-type:0dis
.et=dus-_s://use #et=s://useabs_sea{{edycz .-t_pb_smetar .-t_pb_smeta_0.-t_pb_smeta .-t_pb_smeta_desoriptlay .-t_pb_smeta_.c5-westh"ltn
}=matabs e-typee0on-
s {= e-22rth
.et=dus-_s://use #et=s://useabs_sea{{edycz .-t_pb_smetar .-t_pb_smeta_0.-t_pb_smeta .-t_pb_smeta_desoriptlay .-t_pb_smeta_.c5-wel
s {= e-i3con-
.et=dus-_s://use #et=s://useabs_sea{{edycz .-t_pb_smetas .-t_pb_smeta_0.-t_pb_smeta .-t_pb_smeta_desoriptlay l
e--m= 50;
}=max-gin:5o 400rth
}=matabs ttons{{th
ul#i .sibaza-1m>tm_:laom=childtatn
}=fin:5o ttons{gne-type:0dis
fin:5o lor:#32lor:#3: 1p:ddds
foorap.foorap_.foorapnmain ni
li {= e-type 1alee-type:0dis
.foorap_.foorapnbar .= ncopyttonsstl
s {= e-13n-e-type:0dis
}=y{= #777e-type:0dis
.foorap_.foorapnbar .= ncopyttonssta {
@ss' t (max-gin:5o 101: 3)tl
.hea{acmhea{ackrap:wr3tmtop-i .sinav i .siscinav>m_ i .siedym>atl
600fom= ra e0on-
.top-i .sinav i .siscinav m_ i .siedym>at.fatl
}=.h{= lff;tne-type:0dis
@ss' t (max-gin:5o98: 3)tl
..idtgsisplay {
}=2-id n .layouy:n:humne-type:0dis
}= justifyn{{edycz:o-wrape-type:0dis
}=}= ;cnedyms o-wrape-type:0dis
}=}= ;cn{{edycz:o-wrape-type:0dis
..idtgsisplay ..idtgbig--wrry {
}=}=max-gin:5o 1tel e-type:0dis
}=5--m= telne-type:0dis
}= matabs e-type{e0one-type:0dis
..idtgsisplay ..idtgsth"l5o -wrries {
}=}=max-gin:5o 1tel e-type:0dis
}=5--m= telne-type:0dis
}= .h{= l2-id e-type:0dis
}=}=2-id n .layouy:n:humne-type:0dis
}= justifyn{{edycz:o-wrape-type:0dis
}=}= ;cnedyms o-wrape-type:0dis
}=}= ;cn{{edycz:o-wrape-type:0dis
..idtgsisplay ..idtgsth"l5o -wrries rtic/w {
}=}=max-gin:5o 1tele-type:0dis
}=5--m= tele-type:0dis
}= matabsee0onnpe-type:0dis
m.idtgsisplay ..idtgsth"l5o -wrries ..pl/#uff;back{{ctl
al-se: 1e-type:0dis
..idtgsisplay ..idtgbig--wrry h3tl
}=s {= e-id2ete-type:0dis
m.idtgsisplay ..idtgsth"l5o -wrries .s' t-{{edycz n
}=}=ll{= {g: 3se-type:0dis
m.idtgsisplay ..idtgsth"l5o -wrries .;adeg y-nist n
}=}= {= 3drth
}=}=2px)z e-i14ione-type:0dis
m= nhea{ackmobi-we.main-row a.= nlogo_s__ {
}=60ss easemfil='c:bttonsness(0) inc5bt(1)k
}=}=2il='c:bttonsness(0) inc5bt(1)k
}= lm= "ListIte:ll
.= nhea{ackmobi-we.main-row {
}=}=f {= llolor:#ff0C5687_e-type:0dis
.= nhea{ackmobi-we.main-row n ulsssz n
}= n:ho--resete-type:0dis
m= nhea{ackmobi-we.main-row n ulsssze al-ri {
s {= e-2on-e-type:0dis
}= lm= "ListIte:ll
foorap.foorap_.row n
}=}=2-id n .layouy:n:humne-type:0dis
}= justifyn{{edycz:o-wrape-type:0dis
}=}= ;cn{{edycz:o-wrape-type:0dis
}=}= ;cnedyms 2-id-starte-type:0dis
mfoorap_.foorapnbar .= ncopyttonsstl
5fom= e-icon-e-type:0dis
}= n:ho--re777e-type:0dis
}=5ffom= al-stid5e-type:0dis
}= lfom= ra 2ettne0one-type:0dis
..idtgsisplay ..idtgsth"l5o -wrries h3tl
}=s {= e-idalee-type:0dis
}=5ffom= e-ico4dt e-type:0dis
}=}=fom= al-stid3e-type:0dis
m= nhea{ackmobi-w-bs2 .= nclosw-bs2 n
}= n:ho--esete-type:0dis
m= nhea{ackmobi-w-bs2 .= nclosw-bs2 e al-ri {
s {= e- 23rth
}=}=lm= "ListIte:ll
.= nhea{ackmobi-w-bs2 {
}=}=f {= llolor:#ff333o
.top-i .sinav i .siscinav >tm_ i .siedym n
.= nbs2 bar-hsplve .= nbs2 bar-tt: , m= nbs2 bar-hidde2t.= nbs2 bar-tt: {
}=}=matabs2a e: 1e-type:0dis
}=5--m= 1tele-type:0dis
.= }=pony.ethumb_-css_2_sing_t h3tl
}=s {= e-id2ete-type:0dis
m= nthumb-a.c5btn
}= matabs e-typee5one-type:0dis
#bs2 bar-bs2 bar n
}=}=ll{= 0idalee-type:0dis
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}=}=ll{= {40--isp: e-type:0dis
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